Saturday, April 4, 2020

Algebra 2 - Solving Algebraic Equations With Imaginary Numbers

Algebra 2 - Solving Algebraic Equations With Imaginary NumbersThe algebraic method to solve equations for imaginary numbers helps you realize the same concepts and problems in real life. This is because, both algebra and geometry are applications of the same ideas that go back to arithmetic.One idea behind the mathematics is that everything is connected to everything else. In the same way, we know that a straight line is not straight and an equation cannot be solved unless you first solve it in terms of the unknown. The nature of these two related things are very different and can be easily applied to the real world.Geometry in its simplest form consists of measuring angles. To calculate a result you take measurements from some known points or you get them by looking at your own home. For an application of this idea one can use a ruler to measure an area from a given point to the left and right of it. This makes sense because if you know what the place is then you will know where the angles are that determine the area.The angles on the side of the ruler come from angles that the other ones. So, if the sides of the ruler are straight then the equation can be solved. And if the side is curved then the solution must be right handed. Any deviation from the right side of the ruler will mean that the angle of the side must be greater than a particular degree to create a straight line.With the algebraic method one can be able to follow the same idea but not use the ruler and instead of measuring by eye one can measure by imagining angles. This means that there is a one step process to solve equations. It starts with some real world information such as the length of a line. Once the length is known then it is possible to create an imaginary line that is the one of the equations.Once this line is created then the solution can be worked out. The same process is used when you solve mathematical problems. In algebra it is possible to have one number for each term in the eq uation.The algebraic method is a shortcut to solving real world problems. One can use this as an alternative to the real world measurement system. It is quick, it is easy to apply, and it will save you time in the future.